Speak to an Expert

We understand that meeting your Property Compliance obligations can be complex and onerous. Our team of in-house consultants are responsible for managing compliance at operational, strategic, and executive levels within housing associations, ALMOS and local authorities. Having worked with over 250 housing organisations across the past ten years, we help solve a range of issues across the ‘big six’ areas of compliance (asbestos, electric, gas, fire, water, and lifts).  We structure our property compliance services to ensure your organisation can meet its obligations and maintain effective delivery 

Property Compliance services we offer:

Property Compliance Health Check

Property Compliance Health Check
A structured assessment to determine the extent of your organisation's compliance risks and any gaps in performance. We check against statutory requirements and best practice, drawing on HSE guidance, codes of practice and industry guidelines. The service areas covered in the health check can be tailored to meet your specific needs.

Property Compliance Policy Development

Property Compliance Policy Development
Leverage the knowledge and experience of our Property Compliance Consultants in order to ensure you organisation is aligned with the relevant legislation, approved codes of practice and best practice guidance. All policy documents are tailored to capture your specific organisational needs and support your strategic objectives.

Property Compliance Process Maps & Procedures

Property Compliance Process Maps & Procedures
Document how your organisation will deliver the commitments made in your policy documents. Our process maps are presented in a concise 'swim-lane' format which allows the clear allocation of responsibilities through the entirety of each process. The procedure documents then provide the narrative to support the delivery of these processes.

Property Compliance Data Validation

Property Compliance Data Validation
A bespoke methodology which provides your organisation with assurance that the reported compliance position is accurate and reliable through ensuring all of your properties are captured on the required compliance programmes and documenting the evidence for any exemptions.

Property Compliance Reassessment

Property Compliance Reassessment
A reassessment of your performance following a Property Compliance Health Check in order track your progress against the action plan/roadmap and make any further recommendations for improvement.

Property Compliance Training

Property Compliance Training
Bespoke training delivered by our expert Property Compliance Consultants to ensure your organisation is aware of its statutory obligations and how to deliver them effectively.

Property Compliance Accreditation

Property Compliance Accreditation
Assure your compliance performance with an accredited position reviewed by our compliance experts.

Property compliance consultation

Ready to book a property compliance service?

For more information on how our Property Compliance services can help you, or to request a bespoke proposal for your organisation, get in touch with us on the button below.


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