Speak to an Expert

We can assist your Housing Asset Management with:

Asset Management Strategy Development

Asset Management Strategy Development
Develop a strategy which ensures your organisation is delivering maximum value through a joined up, integrated and strategic approach to how it invests.

Asset Management Health Check

Asset Management Health Check
A high level health check of your organisation’s existing approach to asset management, reviewing both strategic and technical management.

HHSRS Training

HHSRS Training
Understand how to assess whether a property meets the minimum standard for housing, what to look out for in your customers’ properties, the action that your customers can take if their property is not to the required standard, and what steps you can take to minimise the risk of action.

Our Guidance

lee woods operations director
On Demand 20 mins
Watch the on demand presentation as seen at CIH Conference
Is the sector keeping residents safe in their homes today, and how prepared are they for the future with the upcoming legislative changes in fire and building safety.
Compliance Self-Assessment
Self-assessment 9 mins
Are you doing everything you can to keep your residents safe?
Download your FREE Compliance Self-Assessment
Building Safety Self-Assessment
Self-assessment 7 mins
Complete our Building Safety self-assessment
and find out where you are on your compliance journey.
consultation services

For more information on how we can help you with your Housing Asset Management, or to request a bespoke proposal for your organisation, get in touch on the button below.

Get in touch