Contact us

We understand…

...that people are an organisation’s most precious resource which is why it’s so important to keep them safe and healthy at work. With more emphasis than ever on good health and safety, governance, and compliant operational practices, it can be difficult to navigate through all the obligations and stakeholder expectations.

How we can help…

1 Data analysis and budget costs

Get to understand your organisation

Our expert consultants will work with you to carry out a detail to identify gaps and review problems in your current occupational health and safety provision (OHS) from Board level to frontline.

2 Route map to net zero

Get a plan of action in place

Once we’ve identified areas for improvement, we’ll work with you to ensure you have everything you need to keep your people and building safe including OHS services such as:

•  policy advice
•  risk assessments
•  management systems and arrangements
•  roles and responsibilities including competent person service
•  bespoke training
•  accident and incident reporting
•  employee engagement
•  performance monitoring
3 Retrofit assessments

Become an extension of your team

Wherever you are on your Health and Safety journey, our competent and experienced experts, qualified members of IOSH, can provide a clear roadmap to continuous improvement in occupational health and safety matters.

Talk to us today to ensure you have a health and safety management system which is outcome-focused, pragmatic, efficient and compliant, whist being right for your organisation.

Get in touch

Get in touch today for a free one-to-one consultation with one of our Health, Safety and Wellbeing experts.

Get in touch

Occupational Health, Safety and Wellbeing guidance

Cover image - Managing the Health in H&S - WebP
Ebook 7 mins
Your guide to Managing the 'Health' in Health and Safety is designed to highlight the main health-related issues in current Health and Safety legislation with a brief outline of how to manage the risks.
Cover image - H&S self-assessment webp
Self-Assessment 9 mins
Use our scoring matrix to find out if you need an immediate review of your health & safety management system.
Health and Safety in the workplace webp
Blog 4 mins
Why Health and Safety should be top of your agenda in the workplace

We can assist you with...

Strategic Health and Safety Services

A bespoke strategic review, gap analysis or audit of your health and safety delivery model and governance framework to give you a steer on ways to improve issues such as:
•  Operational delivery models
•  H&S structures and arrangements
•  Governance arrangements
•  Lines of defence
•  Communication and engagements strategies
• Safety culture and safety maturity
• H&S Assurance audits

Full Health and Safety Compliance Audits

An in-depth audit, carried out as part of your internal or external audit obligations, which looks at all aspects of occupational H&S compliance within your organisation and makes appropriate recommendations.

Occupational Health and Safety Health Checks

A one-off assessment to give an overview of occupational H&S compliance, either across the whole organisation, or focusing on key areas of concern. Health checks can be tailored to fit your needs, from basic assurance to supporting with any enforcement agency action.

Occupational Health and Safety Retained Services/Competent Services

Enlist the support of a qualified Health and Safety Consultant that would act as the dedicated point of contact for your organisation.

Want to speak to us about how we can help you?